Category: Rich Fleetwood

Winter 2.0 :: NOW is the winter of discontent…well, every year…but especially this year …

ground covered with snow

Normal Winter seasons cold and snowy…and then there’s Wyoming… Winter has been banging on our doors here the last two weeks. Then, outside today to make three trips (and another in a bit)  to daughter’s home with hot food and a run to the grocery store for electrolytes and other sundry items. Seems she and […]

Summer 2022…Big Things Afoot…

Related posts: What it takes to keep this site online…constant battles… Hacking…it NEVER stops, when your content is astoundingly unique AND globally helpful First week of November…Snowstorms tomorrow…Now is the Winter of our DISCOUNT tents… Winter 2.0 :: NOW is the winter of discontent…well, every year…but especially this year …

What it takes to keep this site online…constant battles…

An Update :: The SurvivalRing website is back up, as of 05/30/22, and backend work is still ongoing… Granted, it’s missing thirteen years of content, but it’s ok…really. I had my host tech support move my account from my previous shared server to a more secure server. Don’t worry. Absolutely EVERYTHING has been fully backed […]