SouthernPrepper1, and today’s report…and some updates on natural disasters…in ancient history.

We all know that our current world paradigm is going to hell in a handbasket, and tens of thousands (if not millions) of talking heads on Youtube, Vimeo, and the rest of the video sites provide a platform to certain …uhm… neophytes, or better yet, acolytes, that see a personal religious requirement to yell from the highest rooftops….”DOOOOMMMMM!!!”

In this current world reality of frenetic, sensationalist daily video updates, from literally hundreds of “survivalists”, “super preppers”, or “militia rednecks”, there are precious few I’ll take the time to view. Southern Prepper 1 (Dave) is one of those folks that I trust, and take time to listen to, in my very busy days, and nights…

He records daily, off the cuff balanced information, both his own analysis, and emails sent to him from around the country.

When Dave says “boots on the ground”, he’s talking about emails and locales that real people are seeing, such as empty shelves, supply chain issues, infrastructure fails, and on and on. That’s exactly what I want to hear, and discuss. I don’t like what the current dumbass administration is doing to our food supply, crashing factory output, the rail industry about to go into full shut down, and there only being 25 days or less of diesel in the entire country…and there is so much more to worry about.

We are truly looking at not having enough food to get through winter, and Biden and company has sent hundreds of BILLIONS of our money to a Russian/Ukraine fight we have NO business being involved with.

They're starving in Venezuela RIGHT NOW, and so many other countries...

They’re starving in Venezuela RIGHT NOW, and so many other countries…

Back around twenty years ago, and even before y2k, I was doing the same, connecting folks needing help with folks that could help. I’ll be moving back to that kind of shared info before 2023, and I’m still doing it now.

The good Lord knows I have hundreds of thousands of pages of government survival documents to use for source material.

My first multimedia package of authentic and real government survival and preparedness information. 14 CD/DVD disks, with 3.2 million printable pages, 25,000 unique titles, with 32 gigabytes of real information to help YOU and your family prepare...for EVERYTHING. The new library has 14 times that amount of info, from all over the world.

My first multimedia package of authentic and real government survival and preparedness information. 14 CD/DVD disks, with 3.2 million printable pages, 25,000 unique titles, with 32 gigabytes of real information to help YOU and your family prepare…for EVERYTHING. The new library has 14 times that amount of info, from all over the world.

AS I finish up the huge new library, I’ll keep you updated…right here.  Until then, I’ll share SP1’s updates and I’ll gradually add other voices here, as well as ­to my own YouTube channel and post here at SurvivalRing as time and concerns allow.

Runtime – 19:46

There are several YT commentators I will NOT be sharing on this site, because of what I see as fear-mongering, profiteering, and selfish, petulant needs for themselves, that outweigh everybody else. They speak in such fearsome tones that you think they personally know who is going to nuke the planet…and they know NOTHING.

These nimrods think the Federation of Atomic Scientists know everything...but they don't...

These nimrods think the Federation of Atomic Scientists know everything…but they don’t..

They think that scientists....and POLITICIANS...will save us all...but they won't...

They think that scientists….and POLITICIANS… will save us all…but they won’t…

They think that all of prehistoric science is absolutely figured out and put away...but did you know that just THIS year, those scientists found ANOTHER giant crater under the Atlantic Ocean, just off the west coast of Africa, that they think occurred at the same time as the dino killer rock of 65 million years ago...? AND, that some of the giant craters on the Moon occurred at the same time as well??

They think that all of prehistoric science is absolutely figured out and put away…but did you know that just THIS year, those scientists found ANOTHER giant crater under the Atlantic Ocean, just off the west coast of Africa, that they think occurred at the same time as the dino killer rock of 65 million years ago…? AND, that some of the giant craters on the Moon occurred at the same time as well?? Of, that there is a BIGGER crater than the Yucatán Peninsula impact?

Regarding the asteroid that hit in the Gulf of Mexico having a sibling, based on the rock layers in and around the new crater, Nicholson and his team found that it is about 66 million years old, about the same age as the impact that created the Chicxulub crater off the modern-day Yucatán Peninsula, ending the age of the dinosaurs.

Chicxulub was created by an asteroid about 6.2 miles in diameter — 25 times bigger than the one that probably struck off of West Africa. The similarity in timelines raises the question of whether the two were related.

They have no YT descriptions that detail what they’re talking about, but use that space to push their agenda with dozens and dozens of links to their Amazon store products, with fear and fake news, and similar issues I can’t and won’t be a part of…your mileage may vary, so you make the call…but I will not link to them, name them, link to them, or waste my time…or yours…

Do you have a channel that you trust, that isn’t a waste of time?

By all means, contact me and let me know.

Any questions, comments or observations are much appreciated.


Updated: November 5, 2022 — 5:38 pm

The Author

Rich Fleetwood

Rich is the founder of, now in it's 25th year, author/creator of 14 multimedia CD/DVD set known as, (soon to be He's an author, coder, podcaster, multipassionate creative, nature photographer, designer, award winning videographer, loves the outdoors, 6th generation Texan, 3 kids, 5 grandkids, 1 great grandson, married 41 years to his high school sweetheart, loves his family and lives in rural Wyoming... Sharing History is what he does… Study Yesterday...Prepare Today...Live Tomorrow.

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